Adhiwangsa Bali
Adhiwangsa Bali's approach blends urban design with Balinese Tropical ambience, with the earthy elements of wood, greens and natural stones. Pairing each Living aspects with the concept of harmony, present a lifestyle which speak the essece of serenity. Premium location that allows residents to find harmony between the destinations that residents need and desire to visit.

Promo Agustus 1-31 Agustus 2022
Khusus 8 pembeli pertama di Bulan Agustus
- Discount 45 Juta khusus Hardcash
- 1,7 juta voucher belanja ( Ikea, Carrefour, Ace Hardware, Informa )
- tnc
Project Fact & Facilities :
📍26 units only (Phase 1 )
📍Type 7x15 & 8x15
🏜 3,3 Hectare development
🏊🏻 BIG Clubhouse area (1000m2)
💻 Meeting & Working Space
🎡 Children Playground
⛹🏼♂️ Basketball Court
🏡 Green Environment
🛣 ROW Boulevard 10 meter
⛩ One Gate System Cluster

Mengapa Memilih Rumah dengan Devata property? Dengan team yang berpengalaman dan professional kami mewujudkan hunian impian untuk Anda. Kami menuangkan segala ide dan kreasi dengan hasil yang maksimal sehingga villa ini menjadi hunian dengan konsep brilliant . Kami memastikan Anda mendapatkan pengalaman investasi dan hunian tempat tinggal yang menyenangkan.

- 4 minutes to Mall Bali Galeria
- 10 minutes to Kuta & Seminyak area
- 10 minutes to Sanur area
- 15 minutes to Airport Int. Ngurahrai
- 20 minutes to Jimbaran area
- 20 minutes to Renon area
- 30 minutes to Canggu area
- 45 minutes to Ubud area
A great living location allows residents to find harmony between the destinations that residents need and desire to visit. It provides a fine line that draws connectivity among very places they admire.